Group Classes
Reformer Pilates classes
Semi-private group classes (55 min)
A small group setting offering the best balance of individual and group focus using the apparatus. This class provides the best Pilates experience by combining the reformer, tower, split pedel EXO Chair and mat apparatus, all of which work in unison to provide the most complete body conditioning. *Free demo class promotions applies to clients who live in our immideate sercice area.. Call for details.
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Yur Back TM
Semi-private group classes (30 Min)
The YUR Back exercise program, created by Dr. Christine Romani-Ruby combines therapeutic exercise, Pilates, and muscle balancing techniques to create a safe and effective work out for those recovering from low back pain. Dr. Romani-Ruby incorporates exercises and movements from evidence based research that create a challenging work out without exacerbation of low back pain. Strengthening the core, arms and legs, the YUR Back program also improves posture and is even safe for those with osteoporosis or scoliosis.
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Private Sessions

PRIVATE PILATES - Strengthen your core
This elite method will dramatically transform the way your body looks and feels. Build strength without building bulk. Create a sleek, toned, slender body today!
By Appointment Only
1 on 1 with your trainer
Duets packages also available.
Master Trainer prices might vary.
Call Us 407.804.6005

PRIVATE PILATES for wellness (30 Min)
pilates for wellness - Sports Specific training and pain relief
Ask our staff how a half-hour session on the cadillac apparatus can relieve back, muscle, and joint pain while improving your spinal alignment.
By Appointment Only
1 on 1 with your trainer
Duets packages also available.
Master Trainer prices might vary.
Call Us 407.804.6005